Pelatihan Desain Grafis Canva Sebagai Strategi Meningkatkan Kreativitas Anak-anak Di Desa Kawungluwuk
The improvement of children’s creativity is an important aspect in
human resources development. Kawungluwuk Village, located in
Tanjungsiang District, has great potential in this regard, but acces to
creativity development programs is still limited. This research aims to
evaluate the effectiveness of Canva graphic design training as a strategy
to enhance the creativity of children in Kawungluwuk Village. The
research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data
was collected through observatiosn of participants’ works. The results
show that Canva training has a positive impact of children’s creativity.
Thre is a significant improvement in critical thinking skills, problem-
solving abilities, and self-expression through graphic design. The
research concludes that Canva graphic desain training can be an
effective strategy to enhance the creativity of children in Kawungluwuk
Village, providing them with opportunities to develop their creative
potential and actively partipate in the digital world.