Tradisi Ngaruwat Lembur di Desa Gandasoli Kecamatan Tanjungsiang Menurut Perspektif Islam
Customs and Culture are a form of ritual or activity with the aim of honoring ancestors,
increasing gratitude and drawing closer to God. Then in Customs and Culture there
are several types of activities or rituals, one of which is Ngaruwat. Ngaruwat is a ritual
or activity to remove dirt or sin from oneself. Then the word Ngaruwat is always paired
with the word bumi or overtime, because every region that has ruwatan customs has its
own characteristics, so it is called Ruwatan Bumi or Ngaruwat Lembur. Then, from an
Islamic perspective, this Ngaruwat Lembur activity does not conflict with Islam after
being studied by Group 3 of the KKN STAI Riyadhul Jannah Subang, because after
researching it from various aspects, then with definite references, apart from that, it
was also confirmed by religious figures and cultural figures that this does not conflict
with Islam, because in the customs and culture, especially the Ngaruwat Lembur
activity, there are many Islamic values contained in it, even according to cultural and
religious figures, namely Cak Nun, who stated that the Ruwatan activity is part of the
Al-Qur'an and Hadith. Because the meaning and purpose of this earth ruwatan activity
is very good and noble, namely ridding oneself of dirt or sin, and the aim is also to
increase one's sense of gratitude and draw oneself closer to the divine robi. Then, when
Group 3 of the KKN STAI Riyadhul Jannah Subang conducted research on Ruwatan
Overtime activities, especially in a village, namely Gandasoli Village, Tanjungsiang
District, we saw that the Ruwatan Overtime activities in Gandasoli Village were very
good and noble, namely presenting a performance and cultural performance.namely in
the form of dances, renggong horses and so on, apart from that, in the village, in its
earth ruwatan, it holds tabligh akbar, then tolab and other religious activities. And the
purpose of holding the overtime ruwatan is to maintain customs and culture, then
increase feelings of gratitude to Allah SWT, and what is interesting is that the purpose
of holding the overtime ruwatan is to commemorate the arrival of the Islamic month,
namely Muharram.